stock charges

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Unrealised Profit -
Charges - Buy sell
Brokerage -
Exchange -
Stamp Duty -
DP Charges -
Total Charges -
Net Charges -
Realised Profit
Angel one Charges - Buy sell
Brokerage -
Exchange -
Stamspan Duty -
DP Charges -
Total Charges -
Net Charges -
Realised Profit
Upstock Charges - Buy sell
Brokerage -
Exchange -
Stamp Duty -
DP Charges -
Total Charges -
Net Charges -
Realised Profit
Groww Charges - Buy sell
Brokerage -
Exchange -
Stamp Duty -
DP Charges -
Total Charges -
Net Charges -
Realised Profit
Charges - Buy sell
Brokerage -
Exchange -
Stamp Duty -
DP Charges -
Total Charges -
Net Charges -
Realised Profit
Paytm money
Charges - Buy sell
Brokerage -
Exchange -
Stamp Duty -
DP Charges -
Total Charges -
Net Charges -
Realised Profit
Charges - Buy sell
Brokerage -
Exchange -
Stamp Duty -
DP Charges -
Total Charges -
Net Charges -
Realised Profit
Charges - Buy sell
Brokerage -
Exchange -
Stamp Duty -
DP Charges -
Total Charges -
Net Charges -
Realised Profit
Charges Zerodha Angel One Upstox Groww HDFC Sky Paytm Money Dhan
Opening Charges INR 200 0 0 0 0 unknown 0
Annual Maintenance Charges INR 75+GST Quarterly INR 20+GST Monthly INR 75+GST Quarterly Unknown INR 20+GST Monthly INR 30+GST Monthly 0
Exchange Charges
STT: Sequrity Transaction Charges
SEBI Change 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001%
GST 18% on Brokerage+Exchange charges+SEBI charges 18% on Brokerage+Exchange charges+SEBI charges 18% on Brokerage+Exchange charges+SEBI charges 18% on Brokerage+Exchange charges+SEBI charges 18% on Brokerage+Exchange charges+SEBI charges 18% on Brokerage+Exchange charges+SEBI charges 18% on Brokerage+Exchange charges+SEBI charges
Stamp Duty
DP Charge
Auto Square off Change INR 50 per trade INR 50 per trade INR 50 per trade INR 50 per trade INR 50 per trade INR 50 per trade INR 20 per trade

A Brief Explanation

Broker's Charges

Account Opening Charges - This charges you pay to your broker to open your demat and trading account. It's a one-time charges.
Account Maintanence Charges - This charges you pay to your broker to maintain your trading account. This charges can be one time, monthly, quarterly and annually because it's depends from broker to broker. Also 18% GST applied.

Trading Charges

Brokerage - This charges you pay to your broker when you do a trade using your trading account in stock market. This charges is can be applied on your trading value like 0.05% or may apply just a fix amount in respecttive of your trading amount like INR 20 per transaction. This applies two times, One For buy and one for sell
Exchange Charges - This charges you pay to the stock exchange like NSE and BSE. It's also apply on per trade on buy and sale both side. like for NSE it's 0.00325%
Security Transaction Charges or STT - This charges you pay to government for offering you a secqure transaction in market. Its apply on both side only for delivery (0.1%) otherwise it's only apply on sell side
SEBI charges - SEBI is stand for Stock exchange Bureau of India. You can consider SEBI as a stock market police. Who keep his eyes on everyone who is directly on indirectly related to stock market affairs and for this security it's charge 0.0001% of your trading value in both side
GST - According to GST council in stock market 18% of GST will be applied. So you have to pay this 18% GST on brokerage, STT, Exchange Charges and SEBI charges. It's not apply on your trade value but it's apply both side.
Stamp Duty - As per Indian stamp act 1899, stamp duty will be applied on transaction related to stock market and depository. It's apply only on buy side & depends on brokers.
DP charges - DP is stand for Depository participant. Here depository is NSDL or CDSL and participant is your broker like Zerodha or groww. This charges is only applies for delivery and when you sell your stock from your demat account. It's a fixed charges that means it's not depend on your transaction amount. Like in Angelone DP changes is 20+18% GST.

Additional Charges

Auto Score of Charges - This charges only applied in case of intraday and F&O trading. When you hold a stock in intraday and its time to close the market your broker will automatically cut your position at market price and for that they charges this auto score of charge which is increases your brokerage changes to 50 rupees on both side