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This is kind of a philosophical science book.

In this book I meanly find three major topics of philosophy are:

  • Metaphysics : share with study the actual reality of the world like what is the reality the space time? what is the reality of an atom molecules? etc
  • Epistemology : here is study and question our knowledge like what is real truth? 
  • Ethics : this is a study of values like what is the aim of success to Survival or saving your soul? In what terms of success then meaningful?
 Metaphysics is not about the beyond of the physical science. Metaphysics is a field of philosophy where we question or study this materialistic reality. Many ancient philosophers called metaphysics the "First philosophy". Metaphysics is known as a combination of science and philosophy.
                            Because at the time of 16 century there is no proper division between the science and philosophy. In fact in 16 century the study of nature called philosophy and the scientist the word itself was created or came in existence around 1863.

Here I also fine some interesting fact or information about the Albert Einstein like
  • In 1939 Albert Einstein wrote a letter to the president of USA to work fast on the atomic weapons. The real story is that around the end of the World war 2 USA and UK are both involve in a project called Manhattan project to develop first nuclear weapon or nuclear bomb and after creating the bombs military drop that in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan which lead to the end of world war 2 but seeing the real destruction capacity of this low power atomic bomb federal government pass a bill in their Congress that the technology of atomic weapon USA will not share with any other countries that means now UK will also gain the atomic weapons. (Openion: I think that is maybe a main point that USA create NATO to share their atomic weapons across the friendly countries.)
  • In 1948 Albert Einstein got a offer to be the first president of Israel although he reject that offer.
You know that Albert Einstein published two papers on relativity :
  1. Special theory of relativity:- that change and start questioning about classical newtonian physics.
  2. General theory of relativity:- that change and start questioning about Euclidean geometry the concept of absolute time. 
Some assumptions and important lines of general theory of relativity:
  1. Speed of light is a constant: before the general theory relativity most of the scientist think that the light travel in a medium called Luminiferous aether but despite of searching for the medium for decades no one can prove it. So Einstein give her proposal that the light can travel without any medium or it's need no medium to travel and also assume that the speed of light is constant in empty space. Although that the speed of light is constant or not and the real value of speed of light its till not measure or not yet proven.
  2. Fastest speed, longer time: