Time unit & yuge by Linga Puran

Time unit & yuge by Linga Puran

unit of time I am currently engrossed in the book titled "Linga Purana" where I have come across the ancient units of measuring time as described within this purana. Within this text, it is mentioned that the smallest unit of time is known as nimisha.
Here, the complete list,
Units of Time use by ancient indians
1 Nimisha 1 Blink of eye
1 Kashta 15 Nimisha
1 Kala 30 Kashta
1 Muhurta 30 kala
1 Ahoratra (Day-night) 30 Muhurta
1 Human Year 1 Ahoratatra of God
1 Divine Year 360 Human Year
1 Mahayuga 12,000 Dividend Year
In the table provided, it is evident that a single maha yoga consists of four yogas and four sandhyanshas.


  1. Yugas

    1. Satyuga - 4000 Divine year

    2. Treta - 3000 Divine year

    3. Dwapur - 2000 Divine year

    4. Kal - 1000 Divine year

  2. Sandhanshas

    1. Sat - Treta (700 Divine year)

    2. Treta - Dwapur (500 Divine year)

    3. Dwapur - kal (300 Divine year)

    4. Kal - Satyo (500 Divine year)

As depicted in this Table, it is evident that the duration of mahayogas spans across 12,000 divine years and primarily consists of yogas and sandhyanshas.
The yogas encompass Satyug, Tretayug, Dwapuryug, and Kalyug, while
the sandhyanshas represent the intervals between these yogas and the next mahayoga.
  • Yugas
    1. Satyuga (14.4 lakh year)
    2. Tretayuga (10.8 lakh year)
    3. Dwapuryuga (7.2 lakh year)
    4. Kalyuga (3.6 lakh year)
  • Sandhyanshas
    1. Satyuga - Tretayuga (2.52 lakh year)
    2. Tretayuga - Dwapuryuga (1.8 lakh year)
    3. Dwapuryuga - Kalyuga (1.08 lakh year)
    4. Kalyuga - Satyuga (1.8 lakh year)
According to the Bhavishya Purana, Bhambha is believed to be the creator of the universe. He is described as a fascinating individual who initiates the creation of the entire universe in the morning and then takes a break for the remainder of the day. However, the following morning, he feels dissatisfied with his creation and proceeds to destroy it, only to recreate a new universe once again. This peculiar routine is repeated daily. Although this story may seem peculiar, we can entertain the concept that Bhambha's single day is equivalent to the lifespan of the entire universe.
Units of Time use by ancient indians
1 Ahoratra (Day-night) 24 hours
1 Muhurta 48 minutes
1 kala 96 second
1 Kashta 3.2 Second
1 Nimesha 0.213 second
1 Mahayuga 43.2 Lakh human Year
Here your can enter the day time in hours and your will get the nimisha mean one blink of eye. Just keep in mind that the blink of eye is 0.1 second to 0.4 second.

1 Ahoratra =
1 nimisha =

If we consider 1 Ahoratra as 24 hours, which is equivalent to one day, then one nimisha would amount to 0.213 seconds. Since nimisha is defined as one blink of an eye, lasting from 0.1 to 0.4 seconds, taking the average would result in a nimisha of 0.25 seconds. This value is quite close to the previously mentioned 0.213 seconds.
Or you can do this calculation with the exact value of one day.
So, we know that 1 dividend years equal to 360 human years.
Now, Let's do some calculation for how really long this yugas.
Units of Time use by ancient indians
Yuga Time Sandhyansha Time
Satyuga 14.4 Lakh years Sat - Trata 2.52 Lakh Years
Tretayuga 10.8 Lakh years Trata -Dwapur 1.8 Lakh Years
Dwapiryuga 7.2 Lakh years Dwapur - kal 1.08 Lakh Years
Kalyuga 3.6 Lakh years kal - sat 1.8 Lakh Years

Now if we add all of this time,
(14.4 + 10.8 + 7.2 + 3.6) + (2.52 + 1.8 + 1.08 + 1.8) lakh year
= 43.2 lakh years
and 1 dividend year = 360 human years
therefore, 43.2 lakh years = 43.2 lakh / 360 = 12,000 dividend years.